Contributing to the Profession

There are many resources that I have tried and learned about during my 4 years of teaching. However, I have listed my top 3 cannot live without resources for teachers. These resources continue to help me be the best teacher for my students.

Modern Classroom Project -

This is how I found out how to implement a blended learning model in my classroom. I came across this site when our school was virtual. It was a great tool because I learned how to make the most of our virtual learning. As we moved towards a normal school year, I have found that this program is perfect for any classroom that has students learning at different levels. Not all students learn the same way and this model allows for differentiation and scaffolding. My favorite aspect is that allows me to work with each my students more closely and we have formed a better connection. I feel like I know my students better because of this model. Their course is free, and they have mentorship program as well. I plan on completing the mentorship program this summer or next school year.


EdPuzzle and Screencastify -  

Technically, these are two different resources, but for me they go together. I cannot use one without the other. I love screencastify for recording my lessons and making any videos that I need to. This includes instructional videos as well as videos explaining the assignments or projects. It has a free version, but the premium version is worth the $49 a year for me. I can trim my videos and edit them as needed. EdPuzzle is where I upload my videos to, and I do a voice over on them if I need to. I can also add multiple choice and open response questions throughout the video. I can add in notes via text or voice at different parts of the video. Students can answer through text or voice if that is something you choose to allow. It will grade the multiple-choice questions for you which can be a time saver. You can also post to google classroom which I love!


Explain Everything -

This is an interactive whiteboard site. It allows me to import slide shows, video, and live websites all into one living document. I can record and edit the parts that I need. This can also be used for students to collaborate on. With the join code you can have students working together on projects and presentations. You can also have them join your presentation to shop what they know on work on something as a class. Here is a video that shows some of the things you can do with it: